Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/42

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Fremantle, June 20, 1863.

My Dear Sir,

I presume you have heard ere this that it is my intention to go to the North West Coast of Australia, at all events, if you have not heard, this will quietly intimate my intentions.

I have chartered the "Tien Tsin", and hope to leave t this about the first week in August next. I load the vessels with sheep, horses and cattle &c &c, in fact every necessary requisite, for the formation of a new settlement. I have carefully observed the progress of events in the other colonies and am satisfied the coast line north will shortly be settled, & it will be short sighted policy on our parts, to allowwothers the benefits, (if any) in the occupation of Lands, that we are justly entitled to.

I certainly think there is every prospect, of that part of our Colony, eventually proving of vast importance to the world at large (& us I hope in particular). As regards Agricultural, Pastoral and Mineral Pursuits, at all events, I should not like to be laughed at, by my Eastern friends, in fact I am rather thin skinned on that subject.

I shall be leaving on Tuesday afternoon next for the Serpentine farm and if you can conveniently meet me there on the Wednesday or Thursday next, I should like it, for I am anxious to see you before I leave. I see you are