Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/53

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ions) 10 miles then E.N.E. 6 ms to George River & thence 7 miles to Sherlock River, followed its downward course about 2 miles, surprised a party of natives at a shallow water hole; & camped on plain at junction of "George" and Sherlock.

We crossed the junction; but little water; & that very salt; then made about a N.E. course 5 miles to east branch of Sherlock; travelled up it a few miles; but finding it very dry up to where N & S line would pass near it, we returned to W branch and on to main branch of George, followed it up south about 8 miles - came on running water & many natives, not far from Black Hill; from which a W course brought us after dark to the head water in "Taylor's Creek", upper part of "Kangaroo" (a fine pool) We camped at 8 p.m. on one of three large pools not seen before which take their rise at the foot of Mt. Wellard (Wellard Range) a high and abrupt table-topped hill to the N. of King's Pyramid.


On to "Kangaroo" after having spent much of the morning examining ground for homestead. Thence after a rest of three hours home.

We found no suitable place for a head station; & no permanent water except in the S George & perhaps Taylor's Creek. S.George would not be on run & is rough and thick