Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/73

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heavy explosions at 11 a.m. Like ship's guns. (Thought to be volcanic).

6 p.m. started for Bay with MacCourt; & slept at "Dig Down", near native camp; kept watch always.


Sunday. Fell in with Mulligunn; & a few others, who offered to take us to native camp, where Mullandee was, he took us to a camp with over 50 in it; but as the river was wide and boggy, we could not get to him, went on to hill at head of marsh, where we had a fine view of the Bay; but no ship; so we returned. 3 natives at house 5 at pool; the former followed Lewington with spears; & concealed themselves in the scrub while he was collecting his cattle. I must keep a sharp look-out for the stock, as I think those fellows intend mischief.


Two men & self at yard, McCourt looked up horses; & supposed natives were following him -


Laing & self trimming rails, Mc & Joe carting them in.


The same work.


Much the same routine,

MARCH 11 & 12.

All working at same. C & I started for Bay at 4 p.m.