Page:Paré - Works, 1649.djvu/19

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A Table of the Books and Chapters-
1. What Chirurgery is,
II. Of chirurgicall operations,
III. Of things naturall,
IV. Of elements,
V. Of temperaments,
VI. Of humors,

VU. Of the prafliceof the aforefald rules of tempera
, merits, I?
VIII. Of the faculties, I J
IX. Ofrheaflion":,
X Of the fpirirs,
Xf. Oftheacfjunfb of things Hatarall,
Xff. Ofihing"; not natural.','
Xm. Of the air,
XIV. OftHeatanddrint,
X V» Of motion and rtft,
XVr. Sleep and watching,
XVI[. Replerion,inanition or emprireiTe,
XVIU. Of the pcrcurbationsor palVions of themind,29
XJX' Of things againf nature, and Wfl of ihccaiffe of a
diie-iff, 3°
XX Otadifeafe, ^?
XXf. Ofa fj-mptome, y
XXTI. Ofindicationc
, 32
XXIII. Of certain wondetfull and exrrava'gant wayes of
caring difeafes, 3/
XXiV. Of certain juggling and de-ceitfull wayes of
_- 'f".
Thefeeondhok^, Of living c reiture! and eftke ex celkncy of
Tbcfkirdbook^, Treating of the Anatomy of mam tody, 60
I. -The divifion or parririon of mans body, 63
II. Ofthccontainiag parts of the Epigaftriv.m and the anaroroicalladmimffration, 66
m. Ofrheoutmoftski^i or cuticle, 67
IV. Of the true skin, ib.
V. Of iheflefhy panicle, 68
VI. 01 the far, 6^
VII. Cf he common coatoftheniufclts, 70
VIII. Whar a mufcle is, and how many differences
there be thereof, ib.
IX. Of the parts of a mufcle, yg
X.' A ra3re fariicular inquitition into each pat: of a muf-
cle, ib,
>X[ , Of th; mafcles of the EpiiaJlrium,OT lower bel!y,y4
Xlt. Of ihewhite-Iitie, and Per«ontf«m, or rim of the
8 1
Xlir. OftheS^i/'/fliJS, Omentum, or Zirbm, that
XlV. Ofiheventticleorftcmach,
Xy. Of the guts,
XVI. Ofthemeftnrery,
XVII. Of the glandules in general', aiid of the VancrenSf
orfwecr-brcadj jt.
XVIII. Of the liver, 84
XIX. Of the bladder of the gill, 85
XX Ofthefpleeno&milt, .86
XXI. Of the ^tn4Por/i»,andgare-vein,andthediftribu-
tion thereof, - ji,
XXII. Of rhe originall of theartery, and the divifion of
the btanchjdcfcending to rhenatorall parts, S7
XXIIi-Ofthediflributionoftheaeivesto the natutall
parts gp
XXl*^» The manner of raking out rheguts, 8^
XX Y. The originall and diftMbutionofihedefcendem
XXVI. Of the kidneys or rem':, pC;
XXVII. Of the fpermatick velTclSj . px.
XiXVIII. Ofrheterticlesorftones, lb,
XXIX. Of the variotisbodiesorparaftat's, and of the
cucolarorieveffclsjand theglandulousorpioflates,95,
XXX. Of the ureters, ^5
XXXI Of the bladder, ib,.
XXX ll. 01 the yard, p7
XXXm. Ofthc fpermatickveffelsand tefticlesin wo-
men, ib^
XXXIV. Of the womb, 99
XXXV. Of the coats containing the infant in the
wom!i),andofthenavilI, 102
XXXVI. Ofihenavill, JO^
The foHrahbook_, Treating oftbevitaEparti contained in
the Cheft.
I. What the Thorax or the chcft is,into what parts it may
be dividecl,and rhe nature of rhefe parts, 1 05,
Il.Of the ctinraining and contained parts of the cheft,lO^
Ilf- Of thebrtaffs ordugs, 107
IV. Oftheclavicles»orcollar-bonesandribs, ib2
V. Theanaromica(ladniin;ffiationofth€^er«onj log
VI. Of the P/e«ra,orcoatinvefting oftheribs, i©j
VII. Ohhe Medinfiimmf ibt,
VIII. Of theDiapir«£m«,6rmidriffes no
IX Of the lungs. Hi
Of the PeriardtHm cr piitfe of the fieatrj 1 1 1 .
X. Ofthehcarr, Us
XI. Of the orihces and valves cf rhe heart, 114
XII. Ofihe diftributioH of the Fi!n4 .(4new/<», and the
Amriayenefa, ib.
XIII. OfthediftiibutionofihehDllow-Tein, HJ
XIV. Of thediflributionofihenerves or linews of the
fixih conjugarion, 115?
XV. Ths divifion of rhe arteries, ii»
XVI.OftheT/!^™/, 121
XVII Ofihe /4/>e;-:iarrery orweazon, laa
XVIII. Ofihegufler, ' 12 j
The fifth boek.. Of tJ:e animall parti cemained in the head.
t Ageneralldefcriptionofthehead, ti4.
II. Oithemufeulows skin of the head, Ccommcnly called
the hairy fcalp} and of the Pericramum, 12$
in. Of the futures, ib.
IV. Of theCwmM/n, orskull, 12^
V. Of the Menhgei, that is, the two membranes calle4
Dura Mater and P?'a Mater, • laS
VI. Of the brain, ib,
VII. Of ihe ventricles and mamillary proceflfes ofthc
brain,' I go
VIII. Of the fcven conjugations of the ^nerves of the
brain, fo called ,becaufe they alwayes Ihew the nerve
conjugated and doubled, that is,on each fide one,r 53
IX. OftheRct'e Mirabile, or vconderfull net,and of the
wedg bone, 135
X Oftheholesof the inner i<!j7f of the skull, 155
XI. Of the perforations of the externall bajis oi the b«in,
XII. OfthefpinallmatroWjOrpithoftheback, 13^
Thefixthbookj, treating efihe mufdes tni icnw, und';fe
stkerextreamparit-cfthebfdy, ■ ijg
I. Of the bones of the face,
II. Of