Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/110

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lace point. The rational human being experiences through his ideas, and the warrior through the lace point and its different positions. For a warrior information is stored in experience, or in the place his lace point was when he lived the event; for this reason, when the lace point is moved to the place where it was when the event happened, the warrior again relives the experience, and that is called "remembering".

The Toltec warriors stored information through the intensity of the lace point movement; we believe this is how Castaneda wrote his work, as previously mentioned, as a witchcraft act.

In order to protect themselves from the perception overwhelming effect, warriors use stalking, as it moves the lace point slowly but constantly, and this allows the warrior to strengthen. The "controlled folly", produced by stalking, is the means by which the warrior can deal with silent knowledge and the everyday world without fear of getting stained and succumb. Don Juan says that men have a powerful "dark and sinister side", but it is nothing but our "stupidity".

The Toltequity or Toltecáyotl has had many stages, great discoveries, but also great failures and many different lineages. Now the knowledge is maintained at impeccable levels. Personally we do not know why it opens at the moment to the everyday world, but we are sure it has a powerful reason that Castaneda has not explained in his books or probably did not know and only complies with "power designs".

The truth is that the Toltequity today has no rituals, religions or buildings constructed to morbidity and obsession, nor has teachers to develop the cult of personal importance. Don Juan says that he is nobody’s teacher and nothing can be taught by witchcraft and that nobody needs teachers, gurus or guides; that knowledge is there, for those who have enough energy or know how to save. In any case the nagual work is to direct and develop consciousness penetrate in the abstract, free of charges and mortgages.

Don Juan gives a very clear and simple Toltequity example when he says that being consciousness could be a huge house and that common men everyday life consciousness is like being tightly locked in a single room in that big house for a lifetime. Don Juan says humans entering and leaving the room at two magical openings which are: birth and death.

Ancient Toltec seers discovered how to go out of this room without having to die, but only to move to another room in the great house. The new Toltec seers had an even more important achievement: got to know the secret of, not only get out of the room and get lost in the immensity of the house, as happened to the ancient seers, but arrive at the total consciousness, total freedom; that is: leaving the House!, and enter the immeasurable.

"—The witches experience is so far-fetched —said don Juan— that they got used to stalk themselves with it, with an emphasis on the fact that we perceive and that perception has many more possibilities than those conceived by the mind.

"In order to protect themselves from the perception immensity —he continued—, witches learn to maintain a perfect blend of lacking compassion, being astute, patient and friendly. These four bases are inextricably intertwined. Witches cultivate them by practicing. These bases are, of course, lace point positions...