Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/26

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luck saved me and someone taught me to hunt. And I realized that the way I lived was not worth it... so I changed it". C.C.


Common men spend their lives in the middle of the road hitting and comforting with any "voluntary partner"; they are "stuck" in their goings and comings; they are obvious and evident. Being inaccessible means that a warrior "is and isn't"; being inaccessible does not mean hidden, because if so, everyone will know he is hiding. Being inaccessible is a warrior condition to keep him from "rubbing" in the world of feelings and people.

Being inaccessible means touching the world as little as possible and it is trying, purposely, to get out of people reach; not hanging to or become exhausted by the things he normally holds onto. Being inaccessible means that a warrior does not abuses nor distorts the world, does not exploits or subjugates people, and much less those that he loves. The warrior inaccessibility allows him to be in the world and not deform it; only uses it impeccably and then leaves without anyone noticing his arrival or departure.

"—You should place yourself out of reach —explained—. You must rescue yourself from the middle of the road. Your whole being is there, so it is useless to hide; you only imagine you are hidden. Being in the middle of the road means that anyone who passes sees your goings and comings... —The art of a hunter is becoming inaccessible... —A Hunter knows that he will attract prey to his traps over and over again, so he is not worried. To worry is to make himself available, unwillingly. And once you worry, you desperately hold onto anything; and once you hold, necessarily you are depleted or deplete the thing or the person that you hold onto... A Hunter has intimate dealings with his world, and yet is inaccessible to that same world... He is inaccessible because he does not squeeze or deforms his world. He gently touches it, he remains as long as he needs to stay, and then quickly leaves, almost without a trace." CC.


The apprentice challenge is transforming daily life routines in a splendid battle field, and to achieve self-subtracting from the thoughts vortex and daily events through the application of techniques to "sweep the tonal island". Working on knowledge "right side" or tonal, requires a huge effort which is intended to minimize our personal importance, releasing all the energy we use to maintain our self-image and the idea we have of the world.

Common man finds in his routines the shield that protects him against the wonderful and frightening surrounding world. Maintaining life consciousness is achieved by breaking our routines. The Toltequity apprentice is a hunter in pursuit of knowledge that is hiding and stalking our everyday life. Breaking life routines is transforming the dull and boring world into a wonderful, mysterious and terrifying world. The apprentice as a hunter must not only Hunt, but that he himself should not act as prey. The apprentice must, to put it somehow, "tip toe" and "alert" through world, to get the most out of life and this is achieved by "breaking life routines".

"To be a Hunter you must break your life routines... We all behave as the prey we are pursuing. That, of course, makes us someone else’s prey. Now, the purpose of a Hunter, who knows all this, is to stop being himself a prey." C.C.