Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/38

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path allows —based on a scrupulous discipline to break the routines of life, the not doing and the power walk— achieving that control. The technique consists in trying to dream a preset theme; when it is achieved, during sleep search for the hands and dream that they rise to eye level. This is not only controlling the dreams, but also intervening voluntarily in the dream.

the ancient Toltec after their first failure, while reviewing their practices, could observe the effect their energy suffered when they dreamed was very similar, although of lesser magnitude, to what they experienced when they took plants of power. They called this effect "moving the joint point". Thus, a warrior, with a great effort based in changing their behavior in the everyday world, could convert ordinary dreams in "REVERIE"; the aim was to bring about a "frequency" change in their energy, but without the high costs or risks that represented the ingestion of plants of power.

Don Juan says that all human beings, even if not developed, have two natural tendencies: either they are stalkers or reverie, depending on their energy configuration or temperament.

The ancient Toltecs, while developing these trends within Toltequity, speak of Jaguars warriors (stalkers) and Eagles warriors (reverie).

Don Juan taught many techniques, almost all of them aimed at changing the ideas we have of the world and of ourselves, with which energy is saved; this effort should gradually progress, very disciplined, but without tensions or obsessions, without fear of losing or ambition to win.

According to Don Juan, a warrior takes his fate, whatever it may be, with the utmost humility. Not as complaining basis, but as the basis for waging his battles and accepting challenges. The warrior humility is not like the beggar humility. The warrior does not bow before anyone, but at the same time does not let anybody bow before him. The beggar at the slightest excuse bows before those who believe are superior to him, but at the same time demands that others, who he believe are inferior, to bow before him. The warrior humility depends on his impeccability, which is not being hooked to his peers.

Don Juan and Don Genaro, through a moth and in the middle of the desert, open an inconceivable world for the Castaneda stalked mind. The teachings of his teacher and benefactor, literally will grind the apprentice reason.

"—Why did me you make me take so many times these plants of power? —I asked.
He laughed and whispered, in a very soft voice:
Because you are an idiot...
—What matters is that a warrior is impeccable...
—I'm going to tell you something that perhaps is the greatest wisdom one can give —he said—. Let’s see what you can do with it.”
"Do you know that at this very moment you are surrounded by eternity? And do you know that you can use this eternity, if you want to?...
—Previously you did not have this knowledge —said, smiling—. Now it's yours. I have given it to you, and yet it does not matter, because you do not have enough personal power to use my revelation.
But if you had, only my words would be the medium for you to grasp your entire totality and take the part that commands, these boundaries that contain it.
He came to my side and touched my chest with his fingers; it was a very slight tap.