Page:Paracelsus (IA b29299731).pdf/28

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Nor shrink when they point onward—nor spy out
A peril where they most ensure success . . .

Fest. Prove that to me—but that: that you abido
Within their warrant—nor presumptuous boast
God's labour laid on you; that all you covet
A mortal may expect; and, most of all,
That the strange course you now affect, will lead
To its attainment—and I bid you speed!
And count the minutes till you venture forth.
You will smile; but I had gather'd from slow thought—.
Much musing on the fortunes of my friend—
Matter I deem'd could not be urged in vain;
But it all leaves me at my need: in shreds
And fragments I must venture what remains.

Mich. Ask at once, Festus, wherefore he should scorn . . .

Fest. Stay, Michal: Aureole, I speak guardedly
And gravely, knowing well, whate'er your error,
This is no ill-consider'd choice of yours—
No sudden fancy of an ardent boy.
Not from your own confiding words alone
Am I aware your passionate heart has long