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538. Abbâ Ammon asked Abbâ Poemen concerning the impure thoughts that were born of a man, and [concerning] vain lusts; and Abbâ Poemen said unto him, “Shall the axe boast itself against him that wieldeth it?”

539. Abbâ Betimius asked Abbâ Poemen, saying, “If a man be angry with me, and I express my contrition, and he will not accept it, what am I to do?” the old man said unto him, “Take with thee two of thy friends, and express thy contrition [in their presence].” And the old man Betimius said unto him, And if he will not be persuaded [to accept it] then? And Abbâ Poemen answered and said, “Take with thee five others”; and Abbâ Betimius answered and said, “And if he will not be persuaded by these?” Abbâ Poemen saith, “Then take with thee a priest”; and Abbâ Betimius said, “And if he will not be persuaded [then]?” Abbâ Poemen said unto him, “Without anger and without excitement pray unto God that He may put into his mind [the desire for peace], and straightway thou shalt have no further care.”

540. An old man used to say, “Tell me, brother, if thou hast acquired the seal of work, which is humility?” A holy man who saw another sinning wept bitterly, saying, “This man may sin to-day, but how many times shall I sin to-morrow? In whatsoever way a man may sin before thee, do not condemn him, but think in thy mind that thou art a greater sinner than he, even though he be a man in the world, and [remember] besides that he is sinning greatly against God.”

541. Certain brethren went to visit Abbâ Poemen, and whilst they were sitting with him, they praised a certain brother, saying, “He hateth evil things.” Abbâ Poemen said unto him that spake unto him, “What is the hatred of evil things?” Now the brother was astonished, and he found nothing to say; and he rose up and threw himself before the old man, saying: “Do thou tell me what is “the hatred of evil things.” And the old man said unto him, The hatred of evil things is for a man to hate his own sins, and to justify those of his neighbour.”

542. A certain brother committed an offence in Scete, the camp of the monks, and when a congregation was assembled on this matter, they sent after Abbâ. Moses, but he refused to come; then they sent the priest of the church to him, saying, “Come, for all the people are expecting thee,” and he rose up and came. And he took a basket with a hole in it and filled it with sand, and carried it upon his shoulders, and those who went out to meet him said unto him, “What meaneth this, O father?” And he said unto them, “[The sands are] my sins which are running down behind me and I cannot see them, and I, even I, have come this day to judge shortcomings