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by], these old men watched him [performing the] service, and that they praised him; but when he heard them he answered them never a word. Then a certain man spake unto him aside and privately, saying, “Why dost thou not make answer to the old men who have praised thee?” Abbâ Alônîs said unto them, “Because if I made answer to them I should be as one who had accepted the praise.”

79. An old man used to say, “If a word of the Book goeth up in the heart of a brother when he is sitting in his cell, and if he pursue that word before it hath arrived at its maturity, not being driven by God, the devils will demonstrate the word before it [become complete] according to their desire.”

80. Abbâ Sarânîs used to say, “I have worked during the whole period of my life in reaping, and in twisting ropes, and in sewing mats, and notwithstanding these things, if the hand of the Lord had not fed me I should not have had enough to eat.”

81. An old man used to say, “Spread abroad the Name of Jesus in humility, and with a meek heart; shew thy feebleness before Him, and He will become strength unto thee.”

82. Abbâ Macarius said unto Abbâ Zechariah, “Tell me, what is the work of monks?” He said unto him, “Dost thou ask me, father?” The old man said unto him, “I beseech thee, my son, Zechariah, for there is something which is right I should ask thee.” And Abbâ Zechariah said unto him, “Father, I give it as my opinion that the work of monks consisteth in a man restraining himself in everything.”

83. An old man also said, “He who constraineth himself in everything, for God’s sake, is a confessor.” And again he said, “He who constraineth himself for the sake of the Son of God will not be forgotten by the Son of God.” And he also said, “Him who hath made himself a fool for the sake of God, God will make him to be wise.”

84. An old man used to say, “If when thou art sitting down, or standing up, or when thou art doing anything else, God be set before thine eyes continually, no [act] of the Enemy can terrify thee; if this thought abide with a man, the power of God will abide with him also.”

85. An old man also said, “The man who hath his death before his eyes continually will overcome littleness of soul.”

86. Abbâ Poemen used to say, “Hunger and slumber have not allowed me to notice these small matters.”

87. Abbâ Theodore said, “Many men in this age are desirous of life before God giveth [it] to them.”

88. He used to say also, “Be a free man, so that thou mayest not be crafty in thy words.”