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On Retreat from the World and Contemplation

brethren were eating from the morning [upwards], and he said unto them, “Is it possible that ye eat at this time on Friday? And do ye usually hold a congregation at the turn of the day?” And as his brother looked upon him, he saw that the might of God was going away from him, and he was grieved, for he was accustomed to see it upon him. And when they had come to their own cell he said unto him, “What hast thou done, O my brother? Or what thoughts hast thou had? For I do not see upon thee as usual the might of God.” And the brother made answer and said, “I know not; I do not feel that I have any filthy thoughts in me, and I do not perceive in my soul that any evil act hath been committed by me.” His brother said unto him, “Peradventure some vain and empty word hath gone forth from thy mouth.” Then that brother recalled the matter to his mind, and said, “Yea, yesterday I saw certain men outside the coenobium eating, and I said unto them, ‘Do ye eat at this time on Friday?’ This then is my sin. But I entreat thee to labour with me for two weeks, and thou and I will beg God to forgive me.” And they did even as he had said, and after two weeks his brother saw that might which is of the goodness of God come upon him as usual.

29. The old men used to say about the blessed Abbâ Arsenius, and Abbâ Theodore of Parmê, that they possessed in a far greater degree than many monks a hatred of the admiration of men; Abbâ Arsenius was never pleased at meeting and conversing with a man, and Abbâ Theodore, even though he was willing to meet a man, was as sharp as a sword in his conversation.

30. Abbâ Macarius said unto the brethren when the service in the church was ended, “Flee ye, O brethren”; and one of the old men said, “Father, whither can we flee farther than this desert?” Then Macarius laid his hand upon his mouth, saying, “Flee in this manner,” and straightway he went to his cell and, shutting the door, sat down.

31. Abbâ Poemen said:—Abbâ Moses asked Abbâ Zechariah a question when he was about to die, and said unto him, “Father, is it good that we should hold our peace?” And Zechariah said unto him, “Yea, my son, hold thy peace.” And at the time of his death, whilst Abbâ Isidore was sitting with him, Abbâ Moses looked up to heaven, and said, “Rejoice and be glad, O my son Zechariah, for the gates of heaven have been opened.”

32. A brother asked an old man, saying, “What is humility?” And the old man answered and said unto him, “That thou payest not back evil for evil.” That brother said unto