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blessed man on his cheek, whereupon the old man made ready the other cheek; and having done this that evil spirit took to flight.

512. A brother asked Abbâ Muthues, saying, “What shall I do? for my tongue vexeth me. Whensoever I sit among the brethren I am unable to restrain myself, but I condemn them in every good work, and treat them with contempt. What shall I do, then?” The old man answered and said unto him, “If thou art not able to restrain thyself, get thee away, and stay by thyself, for this is a disease. Now, he who sitteth among the brethren must not possess four corners, but he must be altogether round, so that he may move smoothly in respect of every man.” And the old man said unto him also, “I myself do not dwell alone as an example of spiritual excellence, but as an emblem of feebleness, for mighty men are those who are among the brethren.”

513. When the brethren were talking to an old man about the thoughts they said unto him, “Our hearts are hard, and we do not fear God; what are we to do so that we may come to fear God?” The old man said unto them, “I think that if a man will lay hold in his heart upon that which rebuketh him, it will bring to him the fear of God.” And they said unto him, “What is the rebuke?” The old man said unto him, “In every act a man should rebuke his soul, and say unto it, ‘Remember that thou hast to go forth to meet God.’ And let him say also, ‘What do I seek with man?’ I think that if a man remain in these things the fear of God will come to him.”

514. Abbâ Timothy said unto a certain brother, “How art thou?” The brother said unto him, “I destroy my days, O father.” And the old man said unto him, “My son, my days also are destroyed, and I give thanks.”

515. An old man used to say, “The Shunammite woman received Elisha because she had no human promise with man; and they spoke of the Shunammite woman [as] a person of the soul, and of Elijah [as] a person of the Spirit of God; when the soul maketh itself remote from commotion and trouble, the Spirit of God abideth on it, and then it is able to bring forth, though hitherto it hath been barren.”

516. Abbâ Ammon used to say, “I said unto Abbâ Poemen, ‘If I go to my neighbour’s cell, or he cometh to mine concerning any matter whatsoever, are we two to be ashamed to speak, lest some alien subject of discourse appear between us?’ The old man said unto him, ‘Thou wilt do well, for youth hath need of care and watchfulness.’ And I said unto him, ‘What do the old men do?’ And he said unto me, ‘The