Page:Paradise lost - a poem in ten books (IA paradiselostpoem00milt 0).pdf/15

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The Argument.

had reſerv'd the glory of that Victory: Hee in the Power of his Father coming to the place, and canſing all his Legions to ſands ſtill on either ſide, with his Chariot and Thunder driving in to the midſt of his Enemies, purſues them unable to reſiſt toward the wall of Heaven; which opening, they leap down with horrour and confuſion into the place of puniſhment prepar'dfor them in the Deep: Meſſiah returns with triumph to his Father.

Of the


RAphael at the requeſt of Adam relates how and wherefore this World was firſt created; that God, after the expelling of Satan and his Angels out of Heaven, declat'd his pleaſure to create another World and other Creatures to swell therein; ſends his Son with Glory and attendance of Angels to perform the work of Creation in ſix dayes: the Angels celebrate with Hymns the performance thereof, and his reaſcention into Heaven. Adam then inquires concerning celeſtial Motions, is doubtfully anſwer'd, and exhorted to ſearch rather things more worthy of knowledg: Adam aſſents, and ſtill deſirous to detain Raphael, relates to him what he remember'd ſince his own Creation, his placing in Paradiſe, his talk with God concerning ſolitude and fit ſociety, his firſt meeting and Nuptials with Eve, his diſcourſe with the Angel thereupon; who after admonitions repeated departs.
