Page:Paradise lost - a poem in ten books (IA paradiselostpoem00milt 0).pdf/18

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The Argument.

chew duſt and bitter aſhes. The proceedings of Sin and Death; God fortels the final Victory of his Son over them, and the renewing of all things; but for the preſent commands his Angels to make ſeveral alterations in the Heavens and Elements. Adam more and more perceiving his fall'n condition heavily bewailes, rejects the condolement of Eve; ſhe perſiſts and at length appeaſes him: Then to evade the curſe likely to fall on thir Ofſpring, propoſes to Adam violent wayes which he approves not, but conceiving better hope, puts her in mind of the late Promiſe made them, that her Seed ſhould be reveng'd on the Serpent, and exhorts her with him to ſeek Peace of the offended Deity, by repentance and ſupplication.

Of the


THe Son of God preſents to his Father the Prayers of our firſt Parents now repenting, and intercedes for them: God accepts them, but declates that they muſt no longer abide in Paradiſe; ſends Michael with a Band of Cherubim to diſpoſſeſs them; but firſt to reveal to Adam future things: Michaels coming down. Adam ſhews to Eve certain ominous ſigns; he diſcerns Michaels approach, goes out to meet him: The Angel denounces thir departure. Eve's Lamentation. Adam pleads, but ſubmits: The Angel leads him up to a high Hill, ſets before him in viſion what ſall happ'n till the Flood; thence from the Flood relates,
