Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/69

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

9 Princeps, i.e. purpurea ſaturatior vel dilutior, oris albis magnis vel paruis, fundo luteo, vel albo orbe, qua multum variatur, & colore, & oris, ita vt purpurea elegans oris magnis albis, dicta est, Princeps excellens, & 9 A Prince or Bracklar, that is, a deepe or pale purple, with white edges, greater or ſmaller, and a yellow bottome, or circled with white, which varieth much, both in the purple & edges, ſo that a faire deep purple, with great white edges, is called, The beſt or chiefe Prince, and
10 Princeps Columbina, purpurea dilutior. 10 A paler purple with white edges, called a Doue coloured Prince.
11 Purpurea Chermeſina, rubicandioris coloris, albidis vel albis oris. 11 A Crimſon Prince or Bracklar.
12 Purpurea, vel obſoleta albidis oris Princeps Brancion. 12 A Brancion Prince, or purple Brancion.
13 Purpurea diluta, oris dilutioris purpurei coloris. 13 A purple with more pale purple edges.
14 Purpurea in exterioribus, carnei vero ad medium intus, oris albis, fundo luteo. 14 Purple without, and bluſh halfe way within, with white edges, and a yellow bottome.
15 Purpurea albo plumata extra, oris albis, purpuraſcens intus, fundo luteo, vel orbe albo. 15 Purple feathered with white on the out ſide, with white edges, and pale purple within, the ground being a little yellow, or circled with white.
16 Alia, minus elegans plumata, minoribuſque oris albidis 16 Another very neere vnto it, but not ſo fairely feathered, being more obſcure, and the edges not ſo great or whitiſh.

Tulipa præcox rubra. The early red Tulipa.
1 Rubra vulgaris fundo luteo, aliquando nigro. 1 An ordinary red, with a yellow, & ſometimes a blacke bottome.
2 Rubra ſatura oris luteis paruis, dicta Roan. 2 A deep red, with a ſmall edge of yellow, called a Roane.
3 Baro, i. e. rubra magis intenſa, oris luteis paruis. 3 A Baron, that is, a faire red with aſmall yellow edge
4 Dux maior & minor, i.e. rubra magis aut minus elegans ſatura, oris luteis maximis vel minoribus, & fundo luteo magno. Alia alijs eſt magis amœna, in alijs etiam fundo nigro vel obſcuro viridi. 4 A Duke, a greater and a leſſer, that is, a more or leſs faire deep red, with greater or leſſer yellow edges, and a great yellow bottome. Some of this ſort are much more or leſſe faire then others, ſome alſo haue a blacke or darke greene bottome.
5 Duciſſa, i. e. Duci ſimilis, at plus lutei quàm rubri, oris magnis luteis, & rubore magis aut minus intus in gyrum acto, fundo item luteo magno. 5 A Dutcheſſe, that is like vnto the Duke, but more yellow then red, with greater yellow edges, and the red more or leſſe circling the middle of the flower on the inſide, with a large yellow bottome.
6 Testamentum Brancion, i.e. rubra ſanguinea ſatura, aut minus rubra, oris pallidis, magnis vel paruis: alio alijs magis aut minus elegans diuerſimodo. 6 A Teſtament Brancion, or a Brancion