Page:Paralipomena Pick 1908.djvu/39

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they use, as do also the followers of Cerinthus and Merinthus. They call it the gospel of the Hebrews. To tell the truth, Matthew wrote only in Hebrew and in Hebrew letters the narrative and preaching of the Gospel in the New Testament. Others again have asserted that the gospel of John is kept in a Hebrew translation in the treasuries of the Jews—namely at Tiberias—and that it is hidden there as some converts from Judaism have told us accurately. Even the book of the Acts of the Apostles translated from the Greek into the Hebrew, is said to be kept there in the treasuries, so that the Jews, who told us this and read it came in this way to the belief on Christ.

Epiphanius, Hæres. XXX, 3.

In another passage Epiphanius also states (XXX, 6): And when among these (i. e., among the books hidden at Tiberias), as has been said, he had read the Gospel of John translated from the Greek into Hebrew, he also found the Acts of the Apostles. And not this alone, but also the gospel of Matthew, which was originally Hebrew. …

And (XXX, 13): in the Gospel of Matthew used by them—not in the perfect, but in a mutilated and castrated form—they call it gospel of the Hebrews—it is recorded: "and there was a man," etc. (see below under 4).