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Inclosure 3 in No. 19.

Sir J. Bowring to Acting Vice-Consul Meadows.

Hong Kong, March 3, 1857.


I HAVE to thank you for your despatch dated 26th ultimo, and am much pleased with the successful diligence which has obtained the important document it conveys.

I rely on your continued zeal to furnish any trustworthy intelligence as to what is passing at Pekin in reference to the relations of China with Western nations.

I have reason to expect that the misrepresentations of the Imperial Commissioner Yeh, as to opinions and actions of the Representatives of the other Treaty Powers, will be the subject of official contradiction on their part. Events will show how greatly the Emperor has been deceived.

I have, &c.JOHN BOWRING.

No. 20.

Sir J. Bowring to the Earl of Clarendon.—(Received April 28.)

Hong Kong, March 10, 1857.

My Lord,

IN my despatch dated 5th instant, I mentioned that I had communicated to the French and United States' Ministers the Imperial document therein referred to; and I have now the honour to inclose copies of my letters to M. Bourboulon and Dr. Parker, and of the replies I have received from them.

I have, &c.JOHN BOWRING.

Inclosure 1 in No. 20.

Sir J. Bowring to M. de Bourboulon.

Hong Kong, March 5, 1857.


I BEG to communicate to your Excellency copy of an interesting and important official document of whose genuineness I am well assured.

I need scarcely add that it affords most convincing evidence of the falsehood of the representations sent by the Imperial Commissioner to the Emperor of China, and of the desirableness of cordial cooperation between the Treaty Powers.

I forward another copy of the document to his Excellency Dr. Parker.

I have, &c.JOHN BOWRING.

Inclosure 2 in No. 20.

Sir J. Bowring to Dr. Parker.

Hong Kong, March 5, 1857.


I HAVE the honour to forward to your Excellency copy of a most important document, of whose authenticity I have no doubt whatever. No more satisfactory evidence could be afforded of the false reports made to the Emperor by the Imperial Commissioner, and of the desirableness of common action and cooperation, in order to advance the general objects.

I shall forward a copy to his Excellency M. de Bourboulon.

I have, &c.JOHN BOWRING.