Page:Partridge and Flamstead's new and well experienced fortune book.pdf/4

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DIRECTIONS, whereby the reader may be informed of the Rules in this Book.

Take a new pack of cards, shuffle them well together, he or she that holds them spreading them on the table with their faces downwards; then those who draw must shut their eyes, and lay their right hand, on their left breast, saying these words as they draw the card, ”Honi foit qui mally penfe: Then look upon the number, and have recourse to the book, so you shall have full satisfaction in good or bad fortune.

ACE of Diamonds.

SINCE this ace it seems your lot,
You’ll wed one that’s fierce and hot,
But if woman kind draws it.
She’ll have one with wealth and wit.


Hast thou drawn the number two,
Thou’lt wed one that’s just and true,
But if a woman this shall have,
Beware of fly and cunning knave.