Page:Passages from the Life of a Philosopher.djvu/184

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the late prince consort.

"Suum cuique."

Count Mensdorf mentions to the Duke of Wellington his wish to see the Difference Engine—An appointment made—Prince Albert expresses his intention of accompanying his uncle—Time of appointment altered—Their visit, accompanied by the Duke of Wellington—Portrait of Jacquard—Anecdote of Wilkie—Afghanistan arms—Extract from the Author's work on the Exhibition of 1862.

I have had one opportunity of fairly estimating some portion of the character of the late justly-lamented Prince Consort; to this I will now venture to allude.

In 1842 Count Mensdorf visited London. A few days after I had a note from the late Duke of Wellington, in which he informed me that on the previous evening he had met at the palace the Queen's uncle, Count Mensdorf, who had expressed to the Duke his wish to see my Calculating Engine. The Duke then inquired whether I could conveniently make some arrangement for that purpose. I immediately wrote to the Duke, that if he would appoint an hour on any morning of the ensuing week, I should have great pleasure in showing and explaining the Difference Engine to Count Mensdorf. It was afterwards arranged that on the following Tuesday, at two o'clock, Count Mensdorf and the Duke should pay me a visit in Dorset Street. On Monday