Page:Patie's wedding, or, All parties pleased (2).pdf/4

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Now draw in your ſeat and ſit down,
and tells a' your news in a hurry;
And haſte ye Meg, and be done,
and hing on the pan wi' the berry.

Quoth Patie, my news is nae thrang;
yeſtreen I was wi' his honour;
I've ta'en three rigs o' braw land,
and ha'e bun' myſell under a bonner:

And now my errand to you
is for Meggy to help me to labour,
I think you maun gie's the beſt cow,
becauſe that our haddin's but ſober.

Well, now for to help you through,
I'll be at the coſt o' the bridal,
I’ſe cut the craig o' the ewe,
that had a-maiſt die'd o' the ſide-ill,

And that'll be plenty o' bree,
ſae lang as our well is nae reiſted,
To a' our good neighbours and we,
and I think we'll no be ill feaſted.

Quoth Patie, O that'll do weel,
and I'll gi'e you broſe in the morning,
O' kaill that was made yeſtreen,
for I like them beſt in the forenoon.

Sae Tam the piper did play,
and ilka ane danc'd that was willing,
And a' the lave they ranked through,
and they held the ſtoupy ay filling.