Page:Paul Clifford Vol 1.djvu/250

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You shakes your poll. Well, don't be humdurgeoned, but knock down a gemman."

Dashing away the drop of sensibility, the veteran knocked down Gentleman George himself.

"Oh, dang it!" said George, with an air of dignity, "I ought to skip, since I finds the lush; but howsomever here goes.

Gentleman George's Song.

Air.—"Old King Cole."

"I be's the cove—the merry old cove,
Of whose max all the Rufflers sing.
And a lushing cove, I thinks, by Jove,
Is as great as a sober king!


"Is as great as a sober king.

"Whatever the noise, as is made by the boys,
At the bar as they lush away;
The devil a noise my peace alloys,
As long as the rascals pay!


"As long as the rascals pay!

"What if I sticks, my stones and my bricks
With mortar, I takes from the snobbish,
All who can feel for the public weal,
Likes the public house to be bobbish.


"Likes the public house to be bobbish.