Page:Paul Clifford Vol 1.djvu/67

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I own that I am envious of the pleasure you will have in finding yourself more learned than other boys—even those who are older than yourself! What honour this will do you! What distinctions, what applauses will follow wherever you go!

Lord Chesterfield's Letters to his Son.

Example, my boy—example is worth a thousand precepts.

Maximilian Solemn.

Tarpeia was crushed beneath the weight of ornaments! The language of the vulgar is a sort of Tarpeia! We have therefore relieved it of as many gems as we were able; and, in the foregoing scene, presented it to the gaze of our readers, simplex munditiis. Nevertheless, we could timidly imagine some gentler beings of the softer sex rather displeased with the tone of the dialogue we have given, did we not recollect how delighted