Page:Paul Clifford Vol 2.djvu/71

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heard that; I don't know him. He has very little power; has he any talent?"

"Yes, one very great one, acquired though!—"

"What is it?"

"A pretty wife!"

"My Lord!" exclaimed Brandon, abruptly, and half rising from his seat.

Mauleverer looked up hastily, and, on seeing the expression of his companion's face, coloured deeply; there was a silence for some moments.

"Tell me," said Brandon, indifferently, helping himself to vegetables, for he seldom touched meat, and a more amusing contrast can scarcely be conceived, than that between the earnest epicurism of Mauleverer, and the careless contempt of the sublime art manifested by his guest;—"tell me, you who necessarily know every thing, whether the cabinet really is settled,—whether you are to have the garter, and I—(mark the difference!)—the judgeship."

"Why so, I imagine, it will be arranged, viz.; if you will consent to hang up the rogues, instead of living by the fools!"

"One may unite both!" returned Brandon,