Page:Pearl among Virtues.djvu/17

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CONTENTS. XI Chap. Page. XXIII. Chastity, the Fruit of the Imita- tion of the Saints, . . .163 XXIV. Chastity, the Reward of sincerity of Heart, . . . . . 160 XXV. Chastity, the Fruit of the Con- tempt of the World, . . .167 XXVI. Chastity, the Fruit of Great Pre- caution in our Dealings with Men, 173 XXVII. Chastity, the Fruit of Industry, XXVIII. Chastity, the Fruit of Unceasing Combat, .... XXIX. Chastity, the Fruit of Generous Self-denial, XXX. Chastity, the Source of Internal Peace, .... XXXI. Chastity, the Source of a Holy Cheerfulness, XXXII. Chastity, the Source of many Tern poral Blessings, . XXXIII. Chastity, the Source of Spiritual Strength and Vigor, . XXXIV. Chastity, the Source of a Salutary Influence upon others. 178 186 195 201 207 213 219 226