Page:Pedagogía Tolteca.djvu/39

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Education was a very solid Anahuac institution in the Anahuac Classical period. "Basic" education given in the Telpochcalli and Ichpochcalli, was free and compulsory as noted, but as in all societies, individuals have different capacities, levels of commitment and life attitude. The first educational institution received them at the age of seven, to graduate when "they were formed as citizens", between 18 and 20 years old, joining the community, usually through the formation of a family.

Males who did not marry could go live in communal houses for young people or go to an institution that Dr. Angel María Garibay refers to as "specification institutes", dependent on the calpullis, such as "schools of arts and crafts", where they were taught and perfected as feather art artisans, jewelry, lapidary, medicine, painting, ceramics and various "technical" professions necessary to the community.

Maidens who finished their Ichpochcalli studies, returned to the parental home where they lived a life devoted to the family, supporting the mother's side responsibilities. They were very well cared for by all members of the family and led a virtuous life, preparing for marriage and family life. However, there were schools