Page:Pen Pictures of Representative Men of Oregon.djvu/76

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pure Republican, and since his election has labored incessantly to promote harmony and good will, and is favorably regarded by his brother Repre- sentatives.


The Democracy has reason to be i^rond of its )•< presentatives now in the Legislature. As a minority it makes a respectalde showing of respectable men who were elected in many instances from counties boasting a Repub- lican majority; it speaks well for the personal worth and popularity of such men when elevated to high- positions of honor and trust by the people, not because of party affiliations, not because of wealth or position, but because of their own sterling worth. Stability of character and practical push are what are needed as the prime elements in the character of the successful man ; withoiit these the graces of nature, the adornments of art, and that luster and polish which editcation gives are so much dead weight in the race of life. The gentleman whose name is mentioned above is one of the old, practical, substantial type of the country farmer and stock-raiser. He was born in Cedar county, Iowa, forty-four years ago, and adheres to the principles of true Democracy, which were instilled into his veins in early boyhood, beneath the blue skies of his native home. He was educated in the common schools of his western home, and came to far-oflt' Oregon in the year 1853, locating in Linn county, where he has since resided. He has been identified with the farming interests, and this is his first experience in politics. He has met with considerable success as a farmer and stock- raiser, and by industry and sobriety he has become the fortunate possessor of many a rich acre of wa^^ng grain. Like all true farmers, he has always taken a Hvely interest in the success of the grange, and is a prominent member of subordinate grange Charity, 103, of which he is master, and has for years been and is at present a member of the State grange. He was married to Miss Mary Wigle in 18-59. He is an active member of Commit- tees on Corinties and Claims.


lu the early days of the Republic sterling worth was a much more com- mon element m the political character than it is now. This is a sad con- fession to make, but " pity 'tis 'tis true, and more's the pity." Hard-headed, practical common sense has been the chief characteristic of some- of the greatest statesmen that America ever knew. Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lmcoln and General Grant were of tins class; men Avho had very little to say, but very much to do, and what they did do they did thoroughly and well. Coming down into the humbler paths of life we find individuals of the same type who would have acted in precisely the same manner had they accepted the responsible positions of the statesmen we have named. In this category we feel justified in placing the name of Hon. Peter S Noyer the whole-souled representative from Clackamas county. The subject of this notice was born in Richland county, Ohio, October 19, 1837. and in 1840