Page:Penny worth of wit (1).pdf/3

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( 3 ) (illegible text) ith chains and jewels many fold, ind bid he lay them up in ſtors. e that I will thou need rot car and ſo embrac'd him with a kiſs, en took the wealth, and ſaid my dear, l have a ſpecial care of this. it did they banquet many day, valling on delicious fare? on by her falſe delucin words, the drew him in a fatal ſnare. bien he had liv'd ſome time on ſhore, te muſt go to the ſea again tb traffic to increaſe his ſtore the wanton Harlot to maintain. whom he ſaid, My joy, my dear. with me who venture wilt thou ſendf? food return thou need not fear, T'u be thy factar ard thy friend, guoda my dear I'll fod alive, co pounds which thou that take on board foow tbat untu me, my love,

  • treble gain thou wilt allord.

is ſaid, next to his Witc le grocs, and aber in a cornfal way, har venture the woud to propol to lend with lim fo: mercondic. li ſend a penny, love by thee, be fure ye take good care of its When you re in forriga parti, ford fie, pray buy a feany-wurth of wit. ae laid the peony in his laud, and fold, I pray now don't forget, When you are in u foreign land, 10 buy a pennyworth of wit. e put the penny up ſeeare, ind ſaid, ' take a ſpecial care, o lay it out you may be ſure, ſo to his Mia he did tegar