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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011
Department of State
APR 1 AM 11 49


SENT TO: Amembassy LONDON 5090
RPTD INFO: Amembassy PARIS 3418
Amembassy SAIGON 1821

FYI we were disturbed at Berlin by Eden's position on Indochina which was in effect that this was problem between US and France, with UK standing on sidelines as an uninterested party, situation which actually encouraged French seek negotiated settlement. This was not only unhelpful but unrealistic, since if Indochina goes, Malaya, Australia, and New Zealand will be directly threatened (areas where UK has definite responsibilities), as will be Burma, Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia, and over period of time Japan and whole off-shore island chain.

It seems to us one of best ways keep French from taking any steps which might prove disastrous re Indochina is for US and UK have solid alignment and let French know we will not only not be party to but will actively oppose any solution of any kind which directly or indirectly in near future or over period of time could lead to loss Indochina to Communists. To bring UK to greater recognition its own responsibilities, we are talking very frankly to Australians and New Zealanders here regarding problem (which involves their vital security) in hope they will press British stand firmly with us on above fundamental principles. Secretary also is calling on Makins (who is absent from town) April 2 and will impress upon him forcefully our

Cleared in substance with Secretary
EUR - Mr. Marchant
FE - Mr. Robertson
BNA - Mr. Raynor
