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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


a. Increase in force levels and draft quotas.
b. Increase and acceleration of military production.
c. Acceleration of stockpile programs.
d. Reimposition of materials and stabilization controls.
e. Speed-up of readiness measures for all continental defense programs.

Whether or not general mobilization should be initiated, either at the outset or in the course of U. S. intervention, is a major question for determination

Use of Nuclear Weapons

7. Nuclear weapons will be available for use as required by the tactical situation and as approved by the President. The estimated forces initially to be supplied by the United States under the alternatives in this paper are based on the assumption of availability. If such weapons are not available, the force requirements may have to be modified. The political factors involved in the use of nuclear weapons are assessed under the various alternatives[1].

Political Conditions

8. U. S. military intervention in concert with the French should be conditioned upon satisfactory political


  1. State considers the military effect of use or non-use of nuclear weapons should be made clear in the estimates of military requirements to assist in making a decision.