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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


C. In the Event of a Proposed French Withdrawal, the United
States Acting in Concert with Others or Alone


37. France refuses to continue participation in the war in Indochina.

38. The Associated States invite the military participation of the United States with others or alone.

39. There has been no serious deterioration in the French Union military situation prior to U. S. take-over.

40. The French will so phase their withdrawal as to permit orderly replacement of their forces.

41. The Associated states will cooperate fully with the United States in developing indigenous forces.

42. It may be practicable to organize a UN or regional military effort.

Military Requirements

43. a. Ground forces. (Total personnel strength of 605,000)
(1) Indigenous forces of 330,000.
(2) U. S. or allied forces of six infantry and one airborne division (each the equivalent of a U. S. division in strength and composition) plus necessary support personnel totaling 275,000.
b. Air Force forces. (Total personnel strength of 12,000)
1 air defense fighter wing
1 light bomb wing