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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 4 of telegram toAmconsul GENEVA


quote five white powers unquote consultation and conclusions 2 and 3,above. Judd strongly against Eden quote plan unquote, wanted Asians in oven without UK and France. Knowland agreed on importance of Asians, as did several others. Knowland said we should have commitments from UK, Australia, New Zealand and others to help us if needed in Korea or Japan, et cetera, if we were to have collective security pact with them for SEA, which he personally favored. Secretary said Burma, Thailand, Philippines plus A.S. would help and that he told Eden he wanted Formosa in if British brought in India. McCormack and Smith supported Secretary on conclusion three and several others did too.

Secretary described effect of Indochina developments on French government and EDC. Russell paid fine tribute to Secretary for briefings and cooperation with Congress and others expressed appreciation.

