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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


-2- SECTO 560, July 6, 7 p.m., from Geneva.

then be submitted to the conference. Perhaps conference might then make a general statement of political principles which would be included tn a final declaration by conference. Dong agreed with this general approach. He referred to his own statement of May 12 in which he had advocated that agreements regarding cessation of hostilities should be bilateral.

Chauvel stated that to his talk with Dong he referred to fact military conversations not (repeat not) moving well. He wondered whether it might not (repeat not) be possible to supplement them with some conversations between civilians on certain subjects not (repeat not) purely military. Dong agreed and Chauvel designated Offroy while Dong indicated that Tran Cong Tuong (Vice Minister of Justice in Viet Minh Cabinet and member Viet Minh delegation here — he was also in Fountainebleau Conference in 1946) would be his representative.

Chauvel told me French delegation is working on draft of paper on control system which will be submitted to British and Russian delegations and of which he will give us a copy as soon as completed. Although his position remains that parties should agree accept decisions or recommendations of international commission, he is somewhat skeptical of how system will work in practice on major questions. He stated that decisions could be by majority or unanimous vote, but that in case of majority decisions on major questions implementation would obviously be difficult. He pointed out that eventual recourse to guaranteeing powers, i.e., conference powers will obviously not (repeat not) work in event serious disagreement. He stated that it will be necessary in this case "for us to work out something among ourselves".

Chauvel told us that he is leaving for Paris tomorrow to see Mendes-France in order to get his instructions. He indicated that Mendes-France has been in touch with London regarding future plans for conference. He has impression from Messigli that Reading or Caccia will be returning here shortly and that Eden is expected about 12th, (Lamb subsequently told me he has no (repeat no) information on Eden's plans and knows nothing about Reading or Caccia returning in advance of Eden).

Mendes-France himself may come here between 10th and 12th, probably not (repeat not) before Eden. The Chinese Communist representative apparently indicated to Chauvel that Chou En-lai's return is expected, but gave no (repeat no) details. Molotov is apparently still due about 8th, although Soviets have not (repeat not) directly said anything on this.

I again raised matter Haiphong enclave by asking Chauvel if

any recent