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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


assurance to the people of the Far East of U.S. intent arid determination to support them in the event of Communist aggression.

6. In order to enhance the individual and collective strength of the non-Communist countries, the United States should:

a. Increase efforts to develop the basic stability and strength of non~Communist countries, especially Japan and India, and their capacity and will to resist Communist expansion.

b. Continue (1) to recognize the Government of the Republic of China as the only government of China and its right to represent China in the United Nations, and (2) to furnish direct support to its defense establishment and its economy.

c. Encourage the prompt organization of an economic grouping by the maximum number of free Asian states, including Japan and as many of the Colombo Powers as possible based on self-help and mutual aid, and the participation and support (including substantial financial assistance) of the United States and other appropriate Western countries, through which, by united action, those free Asian states will be enabled, more effectively to achieve the economic and social strength needed

NSC 5429/5