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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011




1. Reduce the power of Communist China in Asia even at the risk of, but without deliberately provoking, war:

a. (1) React with force, if necessary and advantageous, to expansion and subversion recognizable as such, supported and supplied by Communist China.
(2) React with immediate, positive, armed force against any belligerent move by Communist China.
b. Increase efforts to develop the political, economic and military strength of non-Communist Asian countries, including the progressive development of the military strength of Japan to the point where she can provide for her own national defense and, in time, contribute to the collective defense of the Far East.
c.Maintain political and economic pressures against Communist China, including the existing embargo end support for Chinese Nationalist harassing actions.
d. Support the Chinese National Government on Formosa as the Government of China and the representative of China in all UN agencies.
e. Create internal division in the Chinese Communist regime and impair Sino-Soviet relations by all feasible overt and covert means.


  1. Section I is to be considered as a basis for further consideration in the light of a review by the Secretary of State and report to the Council within approximately one month.
NSC 5429/2