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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


and the Philippines) defense arrangements in the West Pacific and deveop wider understanding of common purposes among allies and other friends in the Far East.
c· Through the Mutual Assistance Program and other measures, support the maintenance of free Asian military forces which are (1) capable of maintaining internal security and of identifying end delaying Communist aggression and which (2) together with U. S. and other allied military power and acting in a manner most responsive to broad U. S. interests are capable of coping with, and thereby deterring, any type of Communist aggression.
d. Provide MAP aid to those free Far Eastern countries where it is needed to maintain national independence an where it will be effectively utilized in consonance with U. S. interests.
e. In the event of Communist overt armed attack or imminent threat of such attack against any country in the area not covered by a security treaty to which the United States is party, the menace to U. S. security interests would be so grave as to justify the President in requesting authority from Congress to take necessary action to deal with the situation, including the use of U. S. armed forces, if appropriate and feasible. In