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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


Asians that we stand for positive constructive actions and objectives and that we are animated by a desire to further the interests, welfare and freedom of the Asian people themselves.

13. In order to avoid enhancing the prestige and power of Asian Communist regimes and in order to retard, within the limits of our capabilities, the economic progress of these regimes and exploit weaknesses in their position, the U. S. should:

a. Continue to refuse recognition of the Chinese Communist regimes and other Asian Communist regimes and avoid actions which might contribute to their international standing and prestige.
b. Continue to oppose the seating of any of these regimes in the United Nations, its agencies, or other international organizations.
c. The United States should continue to apply financial control against, and its embargo on trade with, Communist China and north Korea, and its embargo on exports to north Viet-Nam.[1]
d. Urge other countries to maintain the current level of export controls on trade with Communist China. In support of this effort, the United States should, without frustrating the


  1. This recommendation is identical with paragraph 49-c of NSC 5906.