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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

7. In Southeast Asia the intense nationalist feelings, fed by residual resentments against European colonialism, coupled with a wide-spread feeling of weakness and inadequacy in the face of the world-wide power struggle, inhibits certain of the countries from cooperating closely with the United States. They are vulnerable militarily, and in varying degrees, politically, economically, and psychologically, to Communist expansionist efforts. At the same time, deep-seated antagonism and differing assessments of the threat divide then and severely hamper efforts to combine their collective resources for their own defense and welfare. Most of the nations are on a marginal subsistence basis economically and depend heavily on outside aid. Their efforts toward economic stability are hampered by lack of trained technical and administrative personnel, and their people are restless ans impatient because they have not realized the dramatic improvements in their standard of living that they expect. They are politically naive and have few leaders sufficiently experienced to provide proper administration. Governments rise end fell with alarming frequency.

8. On the other hand, a possible source of strength for the free world position in the Far East is nationalism, a dominant force in Asia which is directed towards the preservation of national independence and against those who are seen as trying to subvert or abridge independence. Although there is still considerable lack of popular understanding in the free Far East regarding Communism, there is increasing recognition, particularly among responsible leaders, of the nature of the Communist menace to national independence and ways of lift. There is increasing determination and capacity to resist Communist encroachments.