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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

the same time it is physically afraid to translate that dislike to a trail of strength. They therefore can see no logical end result to be achieved through U.S. present policies, and no benefits to themselves in actively joining the United States.

16. The U.S. attempts to gain and hold the support of the free nations in Asia have been less successful than might be expected, due at least in part, to its attempts to persuade the other nations that they should join the United States in its holy war against Communism, regardless of the self interest of the individual Far Eastern countries. Such an approach has placed a needless strain upon the political friendliness of these countries for the United States. Almost without exception these nations could be shown that the basic clashes between the Chinese Communists and the United States are due to the championing by the United States of the Free Nations on the periphery of Asia, and its support of their freedom and national asperations. We must strive to increase these Asians' understanding that the self interests of the United States and those of the non-Communists Asian people are mutually compatible.

17. The maintenance of any effective military installation in a foreign country requires the acceptance by the government of the need tor such installation and cooperation on the part of that country. Base agreements and security treaties establishing these working relationships, to be effective, must be sensitive to these requirements.