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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

24. In the event of aggression against a state, the provisions of the U.N. Charter or the SEATO Treaty should be invoked, but the United States should not forego necessary action in behalf of such a state or states because of the possibility that other allies might be loath to participate or to furnish more than token military forces.


25. Because of the limited resources of the countries, it will be necessary for the United States to continue to help them develop armed forces capable of maintaining internal security and of, at least, limited resistance to external aggression. Efforts should also be undertaken to encourage the counties to combine their collective resources for their own defense. For the foreseeable future, local will to resist will depend greatly on a conviction that the United States will continue its support and will maintain a military posture in the Far East that will permit it to assist in countering aggression.

26. Where national independence of any of the friendly Far East nations is threatened, the United States should be prepared to promptly provide military assistance.

27. in order to preserve the territorial and political integrity of the area, the United States must guarantee the security of the nations against internal Communist overthrow and external threats of aggression. To do this, the United States must maintain its own power position in the Far East as assurance to the nations that it is prepared, and intends to support them with military force if necessary.