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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

65. Urge other Free World countries to maintain the current level of export controls on trade with Communist China. In support of this effort, the United States should, without frustrating the multilateral embargo program, endeavor to handle questions of routine exceptions in such manner as to preserve and foster the willingness of other countries to retain the present level of controls.

66. In administering the technical assistance and economic development programs eliminate to the extent feasible delays in decision and implementation.


67. Develop and strengthen informational, cultural, education and exchange programs.

68. Make a special, sustained effort to promote the education of an expanding number of technically competent pro-Free World civilian and military leaders, working bilaterally or through such multilateral groupings as the UN and Colombo Plan; and stress the importance of developing adequate managerial and executive skills.

69. Seek, by all appropriate means, utilizing Asians to the greatest extent feasible, to (1) increase the understanding and orientation of Asian peoples toward the Free World and (2) expose the menace of Chinese Communist imperialism and world Communism. In our determined efforts to oppose Communist aggression and expansion, take particular care to emphasize to Asian that we stand for positive constructive actions and objectives and consistently stress the self interest, welfare and freedom of the Asian people themselves which will result from their opposing Communism.