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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

LAOS (Revision of paras. 43-49 of NSC 5809)

47. Provide military assistance for the development and support of Loa armed forces capable of maintaining internal security [against Communist subversion][1] and providing limited initial resistance to external aggression by the Viet Minh [and Communist China].[2] Encourage Laos to formulate and implement a broadly conceived security plan, including both internal and external security, which encompasses the services of all branches of the Royal Government, civil and military.

48. In the provision of U.S. assistance direct our programs to the promotion of social and economic progress and unification of Laos, thus helping maintain the confidence of the Royal Government in its anti-Communist, pro-Free World "neutrality".

49. Continue to promote conditions engendering confidence by Lao leaders that the UN Charter, SEATO, and Free World support provide a favorable basis for Lao resistance to Communist pressure and inducements, and at the same time continue to impress upon the Lao the need for a sense of responsibility and recognition that too drastic actions may have adverse international implications.

49A. Encourage the Lao to observe constitutional and legal processes as providing the soundest basis for the growth and vitality of democratic institutions; discourage resort to force in political affairs.


  1. Treasury-Budget Proposal.
  2. Treasury and Budget propose deletion.