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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


view the problem. confronting Vietnam's security including the range of political, economic and military actions required to preserve the freedom and integrity of that country.

b. Strengthen President Diem's popular support within Vietnam, by the following actions:

(1) Instruct Ambassador Nolting to reappraise the political situation and undertake to obtain agreement of the G.V.N. on an urgent basis for a realistic political program along the lines indicated in the CIP. The objective of the program would be to seek to produce favorable attitudes and active popular cooperation against the VC. While the Ambassador's recommendations might well include actions directed toward fiscal and monetary reform measures, it is presumed that the major recommendations in this area will be developed by the Ambassador in conjunction with the special team of U.S. economic experts which it is proposed be dispatched to Vietnam for this purpose (in Economic section following}.

(2) As a part of this initial assessment, the Ambassador should also consider such special arrangements within the field organization as he may deem required to assure a capability for rapid Country Team response to evolving problems. This should include an assessment of staff requirements, both with a view to requesting such additional personnel as required and to reviewing the employment