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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


15. The presence of United Nations observers would stimulate the Indian and Canadian members of the ICC to step up their surveillances. Infiltration would be exposed to a much greater extent than is now the case and hence might be deterred; South Vietnam would be strengthened by the presence of United Nations observers. The prestige and political influence of the General Assembly and of its members would be brought into play in support of a position designed to prevent the infiltration of arms and men into Vietnam.

16. The United Kingdom has already expressed a strong interest in cooperating to help the Vietnamese stop the Communists. It has offered to provide training personnel with years of experience in Malay. It has also offered financial support. Other like-minded countries, notably, the Philippines, and Australia have a capability and a possible interest in this regard. While the use of third country personnel may create some administrative problems for us and the GVN. it is of overriding importance that others share with us the responsibility for helping Vietnam win its struggle. Particularly as we can obtain a British participation we will maximize the political benefits to be obtained within the western alliance by sharing responsibility for this difficult problem.