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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Enclosure No . 2
Despatch No. 205
From Saigon

It is this organisation which should then gradually be developed into a national police force with the amalgamation of other suitable forces.

Military units (including Rangers)

18. The initial aim of military units should be to keep the main communist forces off balance while the whole framework of defended and strategic hamlets is being developed and consolidated and their main tasks will therefore be:

(a) active patrolling and engagement of communist terrorists outside the populated areas;
(b) prevention by planned operations of communist terrorist concentration;
(c) support of defended hamlets in bad areas and rescue of them if attacked;
(d) enforcement of control measures especially curfews and prohibited areas.

19. As the framework is established, military units should gradually be relieved of all static duties, except in defence of their own establishments and, where any static duties remain, a mobile reserve should always be available. This will be the time when the communists "rill either have to concentrate to attack the framework or else will withdraw to their bases in the swamp. Planned military operations will be necessary to deal with both these eventualities.

20. In so far as the Delta area is concerned it would be desirable gradually to withdraw Ranger Companies as they can be replaced by retrained Civil Guard companies in order that the Ranger Companies themselves can be retrained for their proper task in the jungle areas north of Saigon and in the Highlands. But, as already stated, where they must initially remain allocated to a Province they should be under the operational command of the Chef de Province (when a military Officer) and used in much the same role as mobile Civil Guard companies.

Air Force

21. The main role of the Air Force should be to increase the mobility of the security forces in areas where other communications are lacking, It will also have the normal tasks of reconnaissance and communications and, where a suitable target presents itself, of ground attack. The priority task for helicopers should be the evacuation of wounded, including those from the Self-Defence Corps who should receive equally good treatment as the Army and Civil Guard.
