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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Enclosure No. 2
Despatch No. 205
From Saigon

Information and Propaganda

29. A strong section must be established at the Corps Headquarters covering all fields of information and propaganda from the radio downwards. It is essential that a common line should be taken throughout the whole area on every subject. In the field at provincial level, however, mobile units are required (both boats and jeeps) in order that every hamlet can be visited as frequently as possible. In addition each hamlet should have a receiving set (as already supplied by Australia under the Colombo Plan). Greater use also needs to be made of leaflets to be dropped either by patrols or by aircraft and for this purpose the Combined Corps Headquarters should either have under its control, or should be able to call on, adequate printing resources. Voice aircraft would also be a tremendous asset particularly for exploiting successful action and any surrenders.

Social improvements

30. It may not be possible to introduce the necessary social improvements simutaneously with the emergency measures already enumerated but they should follow as soon as possible particularly when an area becomes 'white' with emphasis on improved schools and medical facilities. Much good work to the effect was already being done in the provinces visited. Such measures should, however, be undertaken in defended hamlets simultaneously with regrouping in order to demonstrate the advantages of such a measure. In defended hamlets it may also be desirable to install small generating sets capable of providing in the first instance perimeter and street lighting. The inhabitants should be informed that as soon as the Communists have been elimated these generating sets may then be used to provide house lighting in the hamlet.

Civic Action

31. There is great scope for Civic Action and Youth Corps cadres particularly in relation to the activities covered in the last two paragraphs. All this requires careful co-ordination so that the timing of all activities are properly related to the establishment of strategic and defended hamlets and to military operations.

Compensation, Rewards and Subsidies

32. Funds should be provided by the central Government at provincial level to pay immediate compensation to the members or families of the Self-Defence Corps and any other innocent person who is wounded or killed by the communists. The present system tends to be too slow and the amounts may often be inadequate. Funds should also be available
