Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part I.djvu/50

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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Event Description Outcome
Second Ha Long Bay Agreement, 5 June 1948
  1. France solemnly recognizes the independence of Vietnam within the French Union.
  2. Bao Dai reassociates himself with the attempt to form a nationalist government.
  1. France transferred no significant political power to Vietnamese.
  2. Led only to further negotiations between Bao Dai and France.
Elysee Agreement, 8 March 1949 In an exchange of letters between Bao Dai and President Auriol, France:
  1. Reconfirms Vietnam's status as an independent Associated State within the French Union.
  2. Agrees to unifying Vietnam, and placing it under Vietnamese administration, under terms to be negotiated subsequently.
  3. Retains control of Vietnamese armed forces and foreign relations.
  1. French economic and political primacy remained unchanged, even in principle.
  2. Cochinchina formally merged with Annam and Tonkin in State of Vietnam in June, 1949.
  3. Plans for internal administrative transfer announced 30 December 1949.
  4. Practical matters of transfer of administrative functions in principal external affairs were deferred to Pau Negotiations of 1950.
Recognition of the Independence of the State of Vietnam, 14 June 1949 French High Commissioner for Indochina and Emperor Bao Dai exchange letters in Saigon formalizing Elysee Agreement.
  1. Cochinchina government tendered resignation to Bao Dai, merging in principle with new State of Vietnam.
  2. No actual transfer of political power occurred.
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