Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part I.djvu/77

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

TOP SECRET – Sensitive

24.  As for the O.S.S., the ranking American official in Northern Vietnam in 1945, Brigadier General Philip E. Gallagher, has attested: "...throughout the months before the Japanese capitulation, O.S.S. officers and men operated behind Japanese lines, to arm, lead and train native guerrillas who were organized by the Vietminh." (A situation report, undated, in the Gallagher Papers, quoted in Bert Cooper, John Killigrew, and Norman LaCharité, Case Studies in Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare: Vietnam 1941–1954 [Washington, D.C.: Special Operations Research Office, The American University, 1964], p. 107.) Other sources conclude, however, that O.S.S. assistance to the Viet Minh-led guerrillas was extremely limited, although it gave the Viet Minh the opportunity to proclaim that they were part of the Allied effort against the Japanese. (See Fall, Le Viet-Minh: La République Démocratique du Viet-Nam [Paris: Librarie Armand Colin, 1960], p. 34; Cooper, Killigrew, and LaCharité, op. cit.)
25.  U.S. Department of State, Documentary History..., op. cit., B-3.
26.  U.S. Department of State, telegram from Paris 6857, 28 November 1945.
27.  U.S. Department of State, Documentary History..., op. cit., B-4, B-6, B-9.
28.  U.S. Department of State, Political Activities Along the South China-Indochina Border (Office of Intelligence Research, Report No. 4575, December 29, 1947), 5.
29.  U.S. Department of State, Documentary History..., op. cit., B-5.
30.  U.S. Department of State, Political Activities Along the South China-Indochina Border, op. cit., 5.
31.  U.S. Department of State, Indochina Since 1939 (Office of Intelligence Research, No. 3602, 25 March 1946), 6.
32.  U.S. Department of State, Brief on Issues in Dispute Between France and Vietnam (Office of Intelligence Research, OIR Report No. 4303, March 10, 1947), 6.
33.  U.S. Department of State, Indochina Since 1939: A Factual Survey Office of Intelligence Research, No. 3602, 25 March 1946), Appendix A. Appended to the Accords of 6 March were a series of supplementary agreements, among which was a plan for withdrawing all French troops within five years.
34.  Ibid., 7, 11.
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