Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 5.djvu/257

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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Vietnam Today ( New York: Praeger, 1962), 107–108. For Ho's statement on Land Reform in late 1953, see Bernard B. Fall, ed., Ho Chi Minh on Revolution (New York: Praeger, 1967), 258–269; the statement was made to the Third Session of the National Assembly of the DRV (Dec 1–4, 1953), in which the Assembly enacted an Agrarian Reform Law based on reports by Ho and Pham Van Dong.

21. Truong Chinh, The Resistance Will Win (Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1960; Facsimile Edition , New York: Praeger, 1963), 211.

22. Fall, ed., Ho on Revolution, loc. cit.

23. Hoang Van Chi, op. cit., 211.

24. P. J. Honey, ed., North Vietnam Today, op. cit., 8–9; Fall, Le Viet Minh, op. cit.; Hoang, op. cit., 166. Bernard B. Fall, Viet-Nam Witness (New York: Praeger, 1966), 96–98.

25. Hoang, op. cit., and Gérard Tongees, L'Enfer communiste du Nord Vietnam (Paris: Les Nouvelles Editions Debress, 1960), are both sometime residents of the DRV, the former a Viet Minh defector of 1955, and the latter a French professor who left Hanoi in 1959. Their accounts of the agrarian reform campaign are consistent with eye witness reports recently collected from prisoners and defectors in South Vietnam, reported in J. J. Zasloff, Political Motivation of the Viet Cong: the Vietminh Regroupees (U) (Santa Monica: Rand Corporation, Memorandum RM-4703-ISA/ARPA, August 1966) (Confidential), 44–53, 159–160. The best short summary is that of CIA Staffer George A. Carver, op. cit. For contemporary intelligence estimates, see: U.S. Intelligence Board, National Intelligence Estimate:

NIE 63-5-54 (3 Aug 1954)
NIE 63.1-55 (19 Jul 1955)
Special NIE 63.1-4-55 (13 Sep 1955)
NIE 63.1-3-55 (11 Oct 1955)
NIE 63-56 (17 Jul 1956)
NIE 63.2-57 (14 May 1957)
NIE 63-59 ( 26 May 1959)

Also: Department of State, Office of Intelligence Research (INR) International Communism, Annual Review (December 1955) (5650.49) (SECRET) 82–83; INR, International Communism Asian Communist Orbit Review 1955 (January 1956) (5650.50) (SECRET) 19; INR, "North Vietnam Braces Itself for Socialism," (Oct. 13, 1958) (7837) (SECRET) 2–5, 17–18; INR, "The Outlook for North and South Vietnam," (May 5, 1959) (8008, SECRET/NOFORN), 25–26; CIA, Current Intelligence Weekly Review (6 December 1956).

26. For a description of village polity in South Vietnam which suggests why Northerners might have reacted adversely to disruption of the traditional society see Gerald Cannon Hickey, Village in Vietnam (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964), 178–211.

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