Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 5.djvu/264

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

TOP SECRET – Sensitive

122. Carver, op. cit., 358; Zagoria, op. cit., 160–161.

123. Zasloff, RM 4103, 13.

124. CIA, Biographic Handbook, op. cit.

125. NIS 43C, op. cit., 30.

126. DIA, "Role …," op. cit., 10–11; CIA, Biographic Data.

127. Ibid., 11–14. E.g. a Viet Minh cadre who surrendered in March, 1956, reported Le Duan's disgust with the ICC and with DRV policy toward it; a document taken from a VC cadre in November, 1956, quoting Le Duan. Cf., CIA, FVS-1071, of 21 September 1956, and CS-82270 of 16 January 1956.

128. Cf., Honey, Communism in North Vietnam, op. cit., 52–58.

129· Carver, op. cit., 359–360.

130. DIA, "Role …," 14–15.

131. Ibid., 28–29.

132. Carver, op. cit., 369–310. One prisoner attended an infiltration course at Son Tay in January, 1960, with a group of 60, and infiltrated with the same group in March, 1960. All 60 were officers or NCO's. One became a company commander of a VC unit in Quang Ngai; another a political officer of a battalion in the same province; another a deputy commander of the same battalion. DIA, "Role …," 77.

133. Ibid., 61–62.

134. This judgment is based on interrogations of 19 Vietnamese officers and senior NCO's who infiltrated in the years 1959-1963, and of NVA officers who surrendered in 1963. Under Secretary Katzenbach Letter, op. cit., 19.

135. DIA, "Role …," 62–64.

136. Ibid., 4–8.

137. Ibid., 9–13; Modelski, "The Viet Minh Complex," op. cit., 185–199.

138. Captured document identified as a Lao Dong Party official paper, entitled "Decision to Create the Central Office for South Viet-Nam," cited in Katzenbach Letter, op. cit., 6, DIA, "Role …," 11–13.

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