Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 5.djvu/267

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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150. CIA, CIWR, 27 October 1955·

151. CIA, CIWR, 22 September 1955.

152. CIA, CIWR, 10 November 1955.

153. U.S. Department of State, Soviet World Outlook (Publication 6836, July 1959), 98.

154. Ho on Revolution, (Signet) op. cit., 269–270; cf., Central Intelligence Agency, Current Intelligence Weekly Review (10 May 1956).

155. Ibid., and CIA NSC Briefing for 2 July 1956. The difference in the two texts is readily explained in that Fall used the version of the speech published in the presumably edited four-volume edition of The Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh (Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1960, 1961, 1962); see Fall, Ho Chi Minh on Revolution (Signet edition), page x.

156. Fall, Ho on Revolution (Signet), 274.

157. CIA, NSC Briefs of 2 July 1956 and 10 July 1956.

158. CIA, CIWR, 2 August 1956.

159. Fall, Ho on Revolution (Signet), 277.

160. Ibid., , 279; Devillers, "The Struggle for Unification," op. cit., 10–11.

161. CIA, Memo for Record of 8 February 1957.

162. CIA, Singapore CS-82270 of 16 January 1956, and FVS-I071 of 21 September 1956; DIA, "Role…," 23–29. For further evidence of impatience and diminished faith in the South see CIA, Saigon CS-3,311,416 of April 1957.

163. Ibid.

164. The sequence of events conc erning this UN action went as follows:

23 Jan 1957 U.S. and 12 other UN members (in a resolution) call upon the UN Security Council to recommend South Vietnam and South Korea for membership in in the UN.
24 Jan 1957 Soviet delegate in UN Security Council, Arkady A. Sobolev, proposes that North Vietnam and North Korea, as well as South Vietnam and South Korea, be recommended for membership in the UN, as a "package deal."
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